Sunday, December 23, 2007

Michael Yon: An unvarnished eye on war

Every war for the past one hundred and fifty years has had someone who provides history an unvarnished eye of the battlefield. Beginning in the Civil War, Americans saw the battlefield through the lenses of Matthew Brady's camera. Each new war brought the vision and reports from the battlefield into the living rooms of millions of people. Today the war in Iraq and Afghanistan has become the most reported war in history. One man has come to stand out among the thousand voices beseeching us to believe or disbelieve in the nobility of this long war. That man is Michael Yon, a former soldier who became a self-supported embedded correspondent, sending back reports from Iraq.

Michael's reports have been compared to those of another great American correspondent Ernie Pyle, whose report from the front lines of World War II are legendary. Each post to his on line magazine puts the reader alongside the troops, close enough to feel the danger. One post in 2005 captured a firefight, that erupted in front of Yon. .

Every story is not just about battles and death. He recently followed the 4 Rifles of the British Army as they returned to their base in England. His chronicle of their return shows a side of the royals rarely seen in today's MSM. .

The insight that one gets about the men and women and the mission they carry out is the greatest acheivement of Yon's reporting. He is a man touched by humanity, who keeps going back time and again to tell us a story that most are content to report from afar.

Michael Yon operates on the support of contributions, he is truly an independent journalist. Those interested in knowing how to add your support can find details on his web page.

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