Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Gunners Mate! "Make ready to Fire"

Wishfully this is the last thing a pirate sees after the next attack on shipping anywhere in the world. Unfortunately the Butt Monkey will raise it's verbal tail and the likelihood of this happening anytime soon, fades unless the currently deployed ships get some reinforcements.
The news today carries a breeze of hope, when France, U.S. Draft Somalia Piracy Resolution. A reality check on this latest show of cooperation, is provided in the post The Piracy Problem, Politics and Possibilities by Galrahn of Information Dissemination.
As noted by Galrahn:
Most Americans don't realize just how low on the priorities list of the US Navy piracy falls in that region. There is a lot more going on in the 5th Fleet than we hear about in the news, and our nations Navy is very busy. Imagine a world where a US Navy ship opens fire in the Strait of Hormuz on an Iranian vessel and nobody hears about it.
He take the time to put the geography in perspective by equating the area patrolled by an American force of 10 ships, is twice the size of the United States. The priority to curb this scourge seems very obvious. After a failed attack on a Japanese tanker two days ago caused oil to spike to $117 per barrel the problem is getting new attention. Imagine, if a lucky shot or two set fire to a tanker. Oil would skyrocket to prices unheard of today. I am sure the boys with the AQ, are noting this latest reaction to faltering security in this region and weighing their options to increase attacks and jigger the world's economy again.
Galrahn recommends enlisting additional ships from countries in the Pacific region whose economies are at risk of higher prices. Japan, China, Russia, India, Australia and South Korea could make the difference if the world got serious in stopping this growing problem.
The problem is growing as noted in other posts,Somali Pirates: Spanish boat captured? and Somali pirates: Attack on oil tanker.

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