Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Russian Bear on a Rampage

The bogosphere has been the best source for the growing war between Russia and Georgia. But before listing some of the important links covering this story. I want to pose a question that no one in the main stream media, world governments, NGO's Humanitarian organizations or elite celebrities have spoken out about the Russian's indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets. Followed by Georgia artillery that added to the civilian carnage.

Russian Bombardment in Georgia Slide show(caution gruesome)


If this had been the United State, and they had begun to fight a war by bombing apartment buildings during the Olympics, they would have been protests and calls by everyone from governments to all of the above listed voices, for the United States to be asked to leave the games and banned from further competition. The mainstream media and elitists from every corner, would be leading the charge for President Bush to be indited by the Hague for war crimes. What gives World are you afraid of the Russian Bear, with his hand on the oil tap? Or maybe might makes right when you country has had a history of always behaving this way in war. Kill enough civilians and the army will melt away. Both sides hands, are bloody in engaging in war as their forefathers have for centuries.

More on this rapidly expanding story at:

It looks like Russia will not stop until they destroy Georgia and remake it a client state. Then again, the West cosing up to Georgia, caused a reaction much like ours a few decades ago when the Soviets got on our backyard via Cuba, Nicaragua and Grenada. Our efforts were just a little more suttle and without airstrikes on civilian neighborhoods.

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