Saturday, November 15, 2008

Time Flies

I just realized that this blog is one year old. True to form, I am belated in marking this event. November 13, 2007 was the true birthday of this blog. It has been a rewarding experience that has opened lines of communication with people whom have become valued and trusted friends. People like Sean Meade webmaster for Thomas Barnett's blog and Brad B. of Potbangers Blog. who first encouraged me to begin a blog.

Over the past year others have become my mentors and friends whom have enriched my life with thought provoking conversation and posts. To them I want to say thank you for encouraging and accepting me in this exalted venue that, as I have written before, approaches an online version of Benjamin Franklin's Junto Society.

A special thanks to:

Mark of Zenpundit

Dan of

Dave of Small Wars Journal

Fab of Fabius Maximus

Galrahn of Information Dissemination

Adam of Re Thinking Security and The AntiLibrary

Shawn of Asia Logistics wrap

The boys at Chicago Boyz

And Thomas Barnett on who's blog, I first began to comment and send stringer stories.

Re-posted below is my first post:

Today I join the ranks of others who have enlisted in this brave new world of blogging. It important to begin by explaining my background and reason for founding this blog.

My love of history was first ignited by my grandparents who were proud of their heritage in building this nation. Their complete collection of National Geographic Magazines became my window on the world and sparked a life long interest in history.

My first exposure to that world occurred in 1966 when after joining the Army I served in Vietnam. The experience for all it's brutality left me with a longing to study the effects of other wars. But the realities of having a family, led to a business career. Thirty years went by only to be interrupted again by war. The effect of 9/11 on my logistics business opened the door for me to return to school and pursue an advanced degree in U.S. history. Along the way I realized that our history can only be explained by understanding how World history shaped our own destiny.

This past spring I graduated with a Masters in history. In attaining this goal I have found a sense of redemption for the events that shaped my life back in 1966. Beginning in 1975, this country truly began to open it's doors to people from across the globe. The fall of South Vietnam and the addition of thousands of Vietnamese has been followed by millions of people from all over the world. The fabric of our nation is stronger with the inclusion of people who in the overwhelming majority are fulfilling our destiny of offering equal opportunity to all who come to our shores.

Blending American history and how it is connected to the shared history of people from across the globe has become my passion. I hope to spend the rest of my days offering my insight to the next generation.

Thanks to all who have visited and become regular readers. I am looking forward to this next year and the continued intersection of ideas that we are able to share.


  1. HG : great blog you have here. Thanks for allowin' me to post here. That stack of Nat'l Geo covers must be worth a fortune now. I've learnt more 'bout American history & culture of late. Just goes to show you can't reap everythin' just by watchin' TV.

    Happy 1st. anniversary. & may many others contribute to this site as well.

  2. yt,

    Thanks for commenting. I encourage you to read the blogs noted above, and feel free to comment on them as well. That is the beauty of this medium, relevant and civic comments are welcome by all.


  3. Belated congratulations.

    Keep up the good work here.
