Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Early Announcement: Xenophon’s Anabasis Roundtable

Xenophon's Ten Thousand

The Route of the Ten Thousand

In a bit of cross posting I am joining my fellow bloggers, Mark of Zenpundit and Lexington Green of Chicago Boyz in announcing an upcoming roundtable Announcing ChicagoBoyz Roundtable, Fall 2009 to discuss and examine Xenophon's The Anabasis of Cyrus. The Greek term anabasis refers to an expedition from a coastline up into the interior of a country.
I will post more on this as we get closer to the date. Those who would like to join in contact Lex or Mark at the links above and leave a comment. All others, drop a few bucks and buy the book and feel free to join the comments as the roundtable evolves.

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