Sunday, September 19, 2010

Program Notes

Thomas PM Barnett

I would like to take the time to call attention to two events that are on the horizon. The first, will happen this Friday morning September 24, when grand strategist and blog friend, Thomas PM Barnett will speak at the Global Trade Symposium: Strategy for the Tumultuous 21st Century held at California State University San Marcos in Southern California. Anyone who has never heard Tom speak should try and take the time to catch Tom in this event which is open to public registration.

Click here to learn more and register.
Tom Barnett speaks at CSUSM September 24, 2010

link to register for symposium

Major Charles Soltes Jr.

Dr. Sally Dang

The Soltes family

This next event will take place October 13, 2010  the anniversary of  the passing of Major Robert Soltes Jr.  who was killed in Mosul, Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Major Soltes was the first optometrist to be killed in action in the history of the Medical Corp. His memory is being honored by the efforts of his wife and fellow optometrist Dr. Sally Dang who personally lobbied Congress to name the new rehab center for blinded veterans at the Long Beach Calfornia Veterans Hospital, the Robert Soltes Jr. Center. The story dosn't end there. For the past five years on the anniversary of his passing the Rob Soltes Memorial Golf Tournament  has been held to raise money for scholarships in eye care and For Families of Active Military, an organization that provides assistance to military families struggling to make ends meet. Please take the time to click on the links and learn more about this dedicated American husband, father, doctor and soldier and the caring family he left behind. This year it will be held at the Black Gold Golf Club in Yorba Linda, California.

For more information about sponsoring or playing in the Rob Soltes Memorial Golf Tournament, please contact Bridget Blehm at 714-403-7165 (e-mail or Tim Maulding at 714-287-7330 (e-mail

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