Saturday, February 26, 2011

WIkistrat Interactive Futurist Simulation: If Kim Jong il Died in 2011

example of frailness of Kim Jong il

heir apparent, youngest son on the right of photo.

I want to take a moment for a shameless plug about a new dynamic simulation sponsored by Wikistrat: a "Next Generation Strategy" enterprise. I am honored to have been invited to contribute to this exercise along with such esteemed colleagues as Dr. Thomas P.M. Barnett and The Zenpundit, Mark Zafranski , and several other contributors representing a broad spectrum of insight.

The link to this exciting new exercise allows participation of the readers to contribute their comments and vote on the possible outcome pathway. This was first tried by the staff of Wikistrat during the recent Egyptian uprising with surprising results as to predicting the outcome thus far.

Click to check out the basic subscription.

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