The election this year will join the exalted list of most consequential elections in American history no matter who wins. If Obama wins, he will beome the first mixed race person elected to the Presidency. If McCain wins, a woman, representing a group that for 144 years of American History, were disenfranchised and had no say in the affairs of government will be the Vice President. A truly historic moment in our history, when race, and gender give way to merit.
I will start out by linking several articles that examine the latest choice made by often labeled Maverick John McCain. When John McCain selected Alaska governor Sarah Palin for his running mate, the perturbation across the media release a tidal wave of articles and blog posts.
McCain Makes Calculated Bet in the Wall Street Journal by LAURA MECKLER, ELIZABETH HOLMES and JIM CARLTON.
The Battle for Women Begins in the Washington Post by Juliet Eilperin and Anne Kornblut
Campaigns Shift as McCain Choice Alters the Race in the New York Times by By ADAM NAGOURNEY, JIM RUTENBERG and JEFF ZELENY
Tom then pens a in depth analysis of the race as seen from the prospective of a grand strategist. Still deeply but closely divided. In this post, Tom looks at the whole process and offers comment on why things are so close.
And bringing up the rear, a cross section of bloggers offering their views on the most recent choice in politics.
Zenpundit tdaxp Lexington Green Fabius Maximus Progressive Historians Purpleslog.
And finally, from Victor Davis Hanson , A Maverick Choice,
And for a peek at the current projected polling. RCP Electoral Count
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