Compassion has always been a good measure of a societies advancement away from the kinds of revenge oriented reactions that led to constant blood feuds. But, everything has it's limits. Compassion was shown when Al Megrahi was not sentenced to die like his 270 victims. Instead he was given life without parole, and should have served out his sentence in solitude to consider his act. Releasing him, however compassionate, destroys the purpose of the law and for those who believe in capitol punishment ample ammunition to push for execution as no fault insurance that some future court or agency will circumvent the term, Life in Prison.
Alba an Aigh? (Updated) by Dave Dilegge at Small Wars Journal, has best captured the tenor of outrage that has roiled across the world in the wake of Scotland's release of Libyan secret agent, Al Megrahi, the man who planted the bomb on Pan-Am flight 103 that exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland a few days before Christmas, 1988. The pain inflicted on the survivors of his victims will remain until the last of them pass on to their reward. Al Megrahi on the other hand will live out his short time in the bosom of his loved ones amid the adulation of his countrymen.
To my friends in Scotland; the Scottish National Party, and Scottish Prime Minister, and the Foreign Secretary, I praise their courage for having proved their independence in decision making, despite the unacceptable and unreasonable pressures they faced. Nevertheless, they took this courageously right and humanitarian decision ... my friend Brown, the Prime Minister of Britain, his government, the Queen of Britain, Elizabeth, and Prince Andrew, who all contributed to encouraging the Scottish government to take this historic and courageous decision, despite the obstacles.
...--Muammar al-Gaddafi, Dictator of Libya
As I read the many editorials, articles and posts that Dave linked, I was struck with an idea of how the we, the citizens of the world who value both compassion and understand that somethings can not be forgiven can express our feelings. We Americans invented a little thing called the Tea Party in 1773 to protest against taxes imposed by the British. In that spirit I propose that the only product that lends itself to this kind of protest is Scotch Whisky. I know, just saying this for me an aficionado of a good single malt is blasphemous. But consider that if everyone who consumed scotch stopped buying the uisge beatha ("water of life") for a few months, or at least until Al Megrahi meets his maker would put a dent in the Scottish economy that could explain to the thrifty Scotch the feelings of a world that measures their compassion with those of the victims families.
For those of you who do not imbibe in spirits, consider this way to protest. British Petroleum stands to gain exclusive rights for oil exploration in the Libyan desert as a result of this decision as indicated by this article, 'Deal in the Desert'. BP owns and operates the following gas stations in the United States, http://www.bp.com/managedlistingsection.do?categoryId=9007335&contentId=7014114.
Writing this is hard for me a seven-time removed son of a highland clan and a person who has passed on the heritage of being Scottish to my son. But I think my ancestors would approve that a murderer deserves punishment, regardless the benefit his early release might bring to a struggling economy. So people, when you feel the need to replenish your stocks or order your next dram, make it an Irish, Canadian or good old American Bourbon for the next few months, as we wait with the victims survivors, while Al Megrahi is cradled in the bosom of his family and countrymen in his final days. Our only solace is that he will go to his maker, walking past the souls of those he murdered on that day. Until then, we own those the victims left behind solidarity by giving Scotland a short sentence in knowing what it is like to be left with nothing but memories.
UPDATE: Boycott Scotland
1 comment:
I should have read this before I posted on your wall. I've always enjoyed the taste of Scotch, but I agree that the Scotch industery should be boycotted. Maybe the Scottish Government will then realize that most of the civilized people of this world think that it was a mistake to release that dirt-bag.
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